This was her time...a repost
Part of our journey through Peyton's cancer was meeting and loving Courtney. She and Peyton were on the same clinic rotation and after months and months of sitting for hours at a time in clinic together, we grew to love her as if she were literally our own. Fours years ago today, I kissed her cheek, told her I loved her and held her hand as she peacefully slipped into Jesus' arms. It's still staggering to me it's been that long since I laughed with her. But God has been good to us since she had to go. The light shines brighter when you've been in the dark...
Please remember Courtney's family in your prayers today.
This was her time, this was her dance. She lived every moment, left nothing to chance. She swam in the sea, drank of the deep. Embraced the mystery of all she could be. This was her time...
Though you are mourning and grieving with us, death died a long time ago. Swallowed in life so that life carries on. Still it's so hard to let go...
This was her time, this was her dance. She lived every moment, left nothing to chance. She swam in the sea, drank of the deep. Embraced the mystery of all she could be...
What if tomorrow, and what if today, faced with the question, oh what would you say? This is your time. This is your dance. Live every moment, leave nothing to chance! Swim in the sea, drink of the deep. Follow the mercy and hear yourself praying, "Won't You save me? Won't You save me?"
Nothin' like starting out your morning crying...
Oh, tough one to swallow tonight. What a beautiful tribute to dear Courtney. Her family is in my prayers tonight, as is yours.
I know how you loved her. I remember reading on all about it. God bless her family and yours too. Thank God she had you Marni.
I think you were a blessing to each other. Keeping Courtney's family and yours in my prayers.
What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful person....those photos are amazing (especially the one on the beach).
What a powerful reminder to us all....
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